Yesterday was my first day at ECC and tonight will be my first night at Prime. The school is kind of like classes at a college where there are MWF & TTh classes so today will be like another first day for me. I think everything went well. It really came naturally once I was thrown in there and the school does an amazing job of laying out all of the information that you need in order to make it as easy as possible. I love all of the kids so far. I was laughing in the morning because one of the teachers said I should walk in and throw a chair across the room just to set the tone. "You need to let them know 'This is KRISTEN TEACHER'S CLASS!'" lol.
When it was time to go upstairs to teach the evening classes, I followed Kate to her first class and then had a meeting to go over my schedule for the evening classes. I'm interested to see which age group I will like the most because I'll basically have all ages and proficiency levels. I'm not concerned about it because I'm sure I'll be fine once I get the hang of it.
Rob & Kate mentioned going to eat live octopus on Friday after we get done with our classes and invited anyone who wants to go to go with them. Umm yes. There are several people that die a year from doing it because the tentacle suction things get stuck to their throat. Sorry mom. Yolo. I'm eating an octopus.
Sorry to make this so short! But brace yourselves for octopus pictures.